Homebuilding and Renovating Show

Record numbers of visitors to the Northern Homebuilding and Renovating Show in Harrogate this weekend kept us busy on the Yorkshire Heat Pumps stand, and demonstrated that interest in renewables is definitely on the rise.

Free Tickets to the Harrogate Homebuilding and Renovating Show

We're delighted to be able to offer you free tickets to come and see us at the Harrogate Homebuilding and Renovating Show. This event is a must for any homebuilders or renovators out there and is being held at the Harrogate International Centre from 4th - 6th November.

Come and see us at the Harrogate Homebuilding and Renovating Show

Yorkshire Heat Pumps will be at the Harrogate Homebuilding and Renovating Show from 4th - 6th November. Come and visit us on Stand C255 to talk about your renewable energy heating project and find out what we could do for you.

Switch to renewables now to avoid uncertainty

With RHI scheme changes due to be announced in the spring we know there are changes afoot which will impact on the amount anyone can receive in RHI payments, so we'd advise anyone considering a move to renewable energy heating to act now to avoid missing out.

Two good reasons for switching to renewables now

Amid all the uncertainty caused by the referendum result, the change of leadership and governmental department changes, there are two really good reasons for considering a switch to renewables right now.

VAT good news on renewables?

Looks like there's good news on the VAT front with a Labour-backed amendment to the Finance Bill, which could safeguard the special 5% VAT rate on renewable energy heating systems.

Increased VAT on renewables is coming

Sadly the game will soon be over for Special Rate VAT on domestic renewable energy heating installations, but there may yet be some exceptions, which could make at least some people happy.

RHI tariff latest

There are winners and losers, but probably no surprises as DECC make announcements this week about RHI tariff changes coming into effect on January 1st 2016.

Is time running out for RHI?

With government spending on the Renewable Heat Incentive only committed until April 2016, and its future plans for RHI or alternative green incentives uncertain, the time to act is now.

Question of the week: Is ground source heating the same as geothermal heating?

This is the first in a series of updates we will post in response to questions asked by our customers or prospects visiting our showroom.

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