Annual leave closure

Revised opening hours until 25th July

VAT good news on renewables?

Looks like there's good news on the VAT front with a Labour-backed amendment to the Finance Bill, which could safeguard the special 5% VAT rate on renewable energy heating systems.

Going green is a lifestyle choice

At Yorkshire Heat Pumps we like to walk the walk as well as talk the talk which The Yorkshire Post found out when they came to do a profile piece on the gradual greening of our home.

Yorkshire Heat Pumps is on the move

After a successful first two years, Yorkshire Heat Pumps has outgrown its space and moved to new showroom premises just outside Harrogate.

Increased VAT on renewables is coming

Sadly the game will soon be over for Special Rate VAT on domestic renewable energy heating installations, but there may yet be some exceptions, which could make at least some people happy.

RHI tariff latest

There are winners and losers, but probably no surprises as DECC make announcements this week about RHI tariff changes coming into effect on January 1st 2016.

Is time running out for RHI?

With government spending on the Renewable Heat Incentive only committed until April 2016, and its future plans for RHI or alternative green incentives uncertain, the time to act is now.

Question of the week: Is ground source heating the same as geothermal heating?

This is the first in a series of updates we will post in response to questions asked by our customers or prospects visiting our showroom.

Reduced rate VAT on renewables questioned

The attractive 5% VAT rate on domestic renewable energy heating installations could be under threat thanks to the pronouncement from The European Court of Justice that this reduced rate VAT is illegal.

Latest biomass RHI tariff announcements

Friday 29th June saw DECC announce further tariff degressions for both domestic and non-domestic small biomass under their respective Renewable Heat Incentive schemes. Does this latest drop sound the death knell for biomass?

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